Hidden Histories Artist Finalist, 2020, San Jose, CA
- Created 3D assets and objects to be hosted on AR poise in viewing of the histories of Japantown San Jose
- Presented proposals and researched the different parts of Japantown- Invluding Heillenvile, Pinoytown, and Japantown
Summer Intern, Los Altos Chamber of Commerce, 2019
- Designed 2 flyers on Canva per week and managed social media accounts to promote events
- Inputed data and added content to the website regarding events weekly
Graphic Design Intern, Bliss and Bale, Mountain View, 2017
- Redesigned the logo using Photoshop and Illustrator and helped branding to raise sales.
- Edited images and overlooked website design layout.
Graphic Designer, Real Estate Agents, Mountain View, 2017
- Photoshopped photos and created flyers
Gender Equity Center, Gender and Body Positivty Art Gallery 2019
- Exhibition of a goache painting "Embracing the Moon"
- Gender Equity Animation Projected at the event.
Bigger than Us - Yeab Kebede and Sabrina Kwong, 2020
- About: In the fighting towards racism we want to bring awareness towards those who don't feel safe during this time.
In doing so, we want to be productive in building hope by giving voices to those who are unseen in a sensitive yet powerful way. We would like to hear you stories and thoughts on the issues of immigrants and those who do not feel represented.
- Video Piece, 5 mins, hosted on a website
Eldery before Covid - Sabrina Kwong and Carla Gonzales, 2020
- Documentary of those who are about 50 during this Pandemic